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From being run over during a pit stop, to winning Le Mans

Winning Le Mans is much more than an achievement, but imagine doing it with a nearly broken foot... That's exactly what happened to Fabio Scherer, who emerged as the champion of the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2023. I had the privilege of talking to Fabio to uncover his story and how he achieved this impressive triumph.

The path to victory was far from easy. Like any other driver, Fabio's dream was to reach Formula 1. However, there came a point where the obstacles outweighed the possibilities. Although he had the opportunity to join the DTM, which seemed like an incredible step, the pandemic made its presence and shook the world of sports. Audi decided to stop its program in that category, and everything came crashing down. Nevertheless, there were still other options, and one of them was endurance racing:

"I got three years ago, into the series of long-distance category, which, in retrospect, turned out to be a spot on"

Le Mans is considered one of the most iconic and important races in the world of sports. It is part of the Triple Crown of Motorsport, along with the Monaco Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500.

But this victory meant much more than crossing the finish line. During the first hour of the competition, Fabio was "run over" by a Corvette in the pit lane as he was getting out of his car for the driver change. However, his determination to continue was greater than the pain he felt.

Fabio received immediate medical attention. Ice, acupuncture, and massages were applied to prevent his foot from swelling. This allowed him to get back in the car and compete once again. "Thanks to the adrenaline, I barely felt any pain," he affirmed.

Sometimes, we allow ourselves to dream of achieving less than what we are capable of. "I wished for it, but I never expected it to actually happen," confessed Fabio. However, this victory was even more special for two reasons: the centenary of the race and his ankle injury.

Fabio also discussed what it's like to work with other drivers: "Before the race starts, we make sure everything is ready and in order. During the competition, we only talk about how the car feels and other technical details. Each one of us is focused on our own task."

But like in any sport, it's not just about getting in and accelerating. It requires physical and psychological training to prevent emotions from making decisions for us. "It is truly important to believe in yourself and receive support from your family, girlfriend, friends, and others."

"Never give up and always fight for your goals. I follow my passion, inspiration, and motivation." - Fabio Scherer

Many thanks to Fabio for this opportunity.

By Camila Albornoz


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